Block Density: %
Min distance:
Map size: 25600 Tiles
Start Coordinates:
End Coordinates:
Tiles explored: 0
Map Coverage (click map): 0%
Time Elapsed: (ms)
Graph based search algorithms are used extensively in grid or graph based games for pathfinding, such as the Civilization series. Certain search algorithms, such as Breadth First Search, are incredibly popular introductory algorithms that can have added layers of complexity for specific circumstances. In an environment where a square node graph (i.e: Each node has 8 neighbors) has movement costs associated with different terrains, the A* search family (BFS, Dijkstra's Algorithm, A*) generally is used more than other search families.
Generate a map either randomly or using the inputs. Mountains represent doubled travel cost between tiles, and paths represent 1/4 travel cost.
Blocked tiles are untraversable.
Select an algorithm to implement
If A* is selected, then you can adjust the heuristic function (and how much weight the function has)
Block Density: %
Min distance:
Map size: 25600 Tiles
Start Coordinates:
End Coordinates:
Tiles explored: 0
Map Coverage (click map): 0%
Time Elapsed: (ms)